Incidence of primary palmar creases variants and their correlation to academic performance in KFU College of medicine-2020: A cross-sectional descriptive study
Mohamed Bahgat Ali, Ahmed Waleed Alrashed, Abdulaziz Emad Alateeq, Ahmed Mamdouh Alkhawfi
Background: Most human palms present have primary creases, but some present only 1-2 creases. PIC model described 21 variants. Previous studies showed great variation in different variants'incidence in different countries and ethnic groups
Medical Science, 2021, 25(114), 1803-1811
Abstract | PDF
Human enamel analysis in ancient Egyptians and contemporary via LIBS technique
Sayed El Tayeb, Mostafa Z Geith, Mohamed A Harith
Recent studies have shown that chemical and physical approaches are increasingly being used for dental materials analysis and to develop full details and information on the biological circumstances of Humans groupings, prehistoric diets, and the etiology of different illnesses
Medical Science, 2021, 25(114), 1812-1820
Abstract | PDF
Impact of covid 19 manifestation on thyroid function status in previously euthyroid patients: A cross sectional study
Jaiswal P, Kumar S, Acharya S, Bawankule S, Talwar D, Dhande R, Bagga C, Jugtap G, Verma P, Patel M, Khan S
Background: A new coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; SARS-CoV-2) infection began to spread in China, in early December 2019 and has rapidly spread around the globe. While its effects on respiratory symptoms are well recognized, but its effect on thyroid function test is still unclear.
Medical Science, 2021,25(114), 1821-1826
Abstract | PDF
Efficacy of Acetazolamide in management of idiopathic intracranial hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Abdulmajeed Albalawi, Alanoud Alharbi, Mawaddah Altaleb, Mohammed Almatrafi, Shuruq Alzahuf, Omayrah Alanzi, Aljawharh Alawad, Asayel Mohammed Bin Saif, Sarah Almuwarraee, Bader Alotaibi, Faisal Almishali, Tarek Kassem, Fatimah Alrajab, Omar Almatrafi, Hezam Alshahrani
Objectives: To investigate the efficacy of acetazolamide in the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Methods: We searched PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane central for relevant published clinical trials
Medical Science, 2021,25(114), 1827-1836
Abstract | PDF
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (AVD) among women of Saudi Arabia: Community based cross sectional study
Aqila Homood S Al Shammari, Reem Hamoud S Alshammari, Dnya Saleh A Alanaziy, Atheer Bader F Alanzi
Background: Abnormal vaginal discharge (AVD) is common inwomen during their reproductive life, and if it isn't treated well it may lead to severe complications as pelvic inflammatory disease
Medical Science, 2021,25(114), 1837-1843
Abstract | PDF
Medical students’ knowledge of child abuse and neglect in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study
Omar A Alshouimi, Musaad N Almusaad, Meshari M Aldawood, Ahmad M Khalaf, Rheem Abdulla Almhizai
Background: Child abuse and neglect are considered one of the problems that affect the child and lead to various psychological problems. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional questionnaire that included all medical students in Saudi Arabia