Saudi society’s dietary habits and the use of nutritional supplements during the corona pandemic: A cross-sectional retrospective study
Eman A Abduljawad
The Coronavirus pandemic is still the deadliest pandemic the world has ever seen. Even though several Coronavirus vaccines, everyone is still searching for other ways to prevent the disease
Medical Science, 2021, 25(112), 1248-1260
Abstract | PDF
Investigating the relationship between personality type and sleep quality in students living in dormitories of Behbahan Faculty of Medical Sciences: A study in southwestern Iran
Alireza Rafi, Pouriya Darabiyan, Mina Rezaei, Manigeh Naderi
Background: Sleep quality is a clinical structure and a complex phenomenon that is subjective to measurement. Most psychologists consider personality as the most important and fundamental subject of psychology and this issue is undoubtedly effective in lifestyle and human behavior