The prevalence of neck pain and low back pain among personal computer gamers in Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Attiah, Ghalia Almutairi, Faisal Alnahdi, Husam Tamim, Lina Güneş, Aqeel Alrashid
Introduction: Neck pain and low back pain are serious health concerns that affect both adults and children. Personal computer (PC) gamers Wasted a lot of time playing computer games.
Medical Science, 2022, 26, ms391e2420
Abstract | PDF
Assessment of physician awareness and attitudes toward recognizing symptoms related to myeloproliferative neoplasms
Bader Alahmari, Meshari Almotairi, Khalid Bin Yousef, Majid Alharbi, Mohammed Alanazi, Mehab Abdullah, Aamir Omair
Background: The level of awareness and attitudes of primary care physicians toward diagnosing myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) is widely unexplored and many physicians overlook the symptoms of MPNs
Medical Science, 2022, 26, ms392e2470
Abstract | PDF
Prevalence and associated factors of neck, shoulder, and low-back pains among medical students at Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study
Osama Abdullah Abdulrahman, Abdulaziz Ali Alsaedi, Mahmoud Ahmad Alshenqity, Ameen Ahmad Alshenqity, Abdullah Sami Eterji, Anas Mohammed Al-Amodi, Mokhtar Mahfouz Shatla
Background: Medical students frequently complain of neck, shoulder, and lower back musculoskeletal pain (MSP), which is a very common health issue