Lactobacillus acidophilus’ post biotic extracts combined with methotrexate regulated the levels of the apoptotic genes’ expressions in the acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line
Sahar EL Hadad, Hind Baik, Alawiah M. Alhebshi, Majdah Aburas, Jehan Alrahimi, Shahira Hassoubah
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cure efficacy depends upon the chemotherapy drugs' effectiveness, the leukemia cells' biological traits, and the early response to treatment
Medical Science, 2022, 26, ms111e2020
Abstract | PDF
Knowledge and awareness of dentin hypersensitivity and different treatment modalities
Samar Hatem Abuzinadah
Background: Hypersensitivity of the dentin is a prevalent condition in dental clinic. There are numerous pre-disposing factors to this issue, for example it could be due to physical or chemical trauma, gingival recession, and periodontal diseases and many other causes