Usage of insecticide treated mosquito nets among under-5 carer- health workers in Anambra east local government area, Southeast, Nigeria
Ifezulike CC, Modebe I, Azikiwe CCA, Amazu LU, Chukwuka JO
Long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets have been demonstrated as means of preventing malaria via mosquito bites. Community Directed Distributors of Key House Hold Practices are rural based health workers who also care for their children
Medical Science, 2015, 17(69), 23-30
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Incidence of urinary pathogens among healthy-looking university students and Antibacteriogram pattern
Amazu LU, Ojo YO, Azikiwe CCA, Ifezulike CC
An infection is the invasion and multiplication of a pathogenic microorganism in a bodily part, tissue or whole system of an animal (Man) and causes some tissue injuries that may lead to some clinical presentation.
Medical Science, 2015, 17(69), 31-34
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Headship of families and child psycho-environment among Community Directed Distributors in Anambra East Local Government Area, South East Nigeria
Ifezulike CC, Azikiwe CCA
A household consists of one or more people who live in the same dwelling or apartment and also share at meals or living accommodation, and may consist of a single family or some other grouping of people