Optimizing cardiac therapeutic intervention strategies for patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery towards recovery and quality of life enhancement: A case study
Radha Manish Nangliya, Manali A Boob, Pratik Phansopkar, Kamya Somaiya
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a standard type of surgery to treat coronary heart disease. Although restoring the circulation of blood is the main goal of CABG, an effective rehabilitation program is also crucial.
Medical Science, 2023, 27, e315ms3131
Abstract | PDF
Retroperitoneal mature teratoma in 3 months old male infant: A case report
Chaithanya Pulivarthi, Revat Meshram, Amar Taksande
A Mature teratoma is a tumour consisting of various tissues and is generally a benign tumor. A 3 months old male infant presented with a history of distension of the abdomen, urinary dribbling, and trouble passing.