An essential tool for sun protection is sunscreen. Only a few studies on the usage of sunscreen were carried out in Saudi Arabia, despite widespread research on the topic. Our research aims to evaluate the prevalence, behaviors and knowledge related to use of sunscreen among Saudi university students. Objectives: Our study aim is to demonstrate the knowledge and use of sunscreen among university students. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out among university students, Riyadh Saudi Arabia. After obtaining permission from the college authority, participants were given prevalidated questionnaires about sunscreen knowledge, attitude and practice and were distributed to 600 university students. The Chi-square test and one-way analysis of variance were used to evaluate the data. Result: The study included 600 university students who completed the study questionnaire. In which the majority of the participants are between the ages of 21 and 23, making up 42.6% of the total. Participants are divided on whether or not they use sunscreen, with 291 (48.4%) stating they do and 310 (51.6%) saying they do not. Conclusion: Our study revealed that Sunscreen use in Saudi Arabian university students is higher than in previous studies, but it is still lower than in other countries.
Keywords: Sunscreen, university students, Saudi Arabia