Ailments to the ankle contribute to 10% to 30% of all sports-related sprains and players who experience ankle ailments place a financial strain on Medicare systems each year irrespective of the individual characteristics, the overwhelming of ankle injuries cause damage to the ankle's lateral ligaments. The preponderance of ankle ailments impacts the lateral ligaments. Athletes who have lateral ligament ailments may see a considerable decline in their performing skills, which might lead to complement losses and financial losses for both the player and the club. Ankle sprains with acute inversion rank amongst the most frequent musculoskeletal ailments. Since most recorded incidents are often categorized as lateral ligament injuries, isolated CFL ailments are uncommon. High-grade sprained ankles like those to the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) can be particularly challenging to cure. There are both internal and external possible causes for the emergence of persistent destabilization. Damage processes that occur in sporting and/or professional situations are associated with external components, which also arrange specific information, primarily anatomical, with its fluctuations (bone, ligament and posture). A 48-year-old male patient was referred to the physiotherapy department with chief complaints of pain and swelling over the right ankle joint. The physiotherapy session for the patient was started with appropriate physiotherapy protocol using thera-band and wobble board training for strengthening and proper weight-bearing training. The home program was given to patients’ i.e use of cryotherapy for inflammation if seen again due to overexertion, use of sandbag for strengthening of the lower limb.
Keywords: Ankle ligament tear, talofibular ligament, talocalcaneal ligament, physiotherapy, rehabilitation