Background: It has been proven that the prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide and is seen as a major public problem in the previous 3 decades. It is defined as a metabolic condition marked by high sugar levels due to defects in insulin production, insulin action, or both. There has been little research in this issue in our region that will aid our study to fill this gap. The aim of this study to assess prevalence of frozen shoulder among diabetic patients. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional online questionnaire survey. Based on a structured questionnaire that was develop through literature review. The study’s population consisted of diabetic patients in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and the sample size was estimated using the Qualtrics calculator with a confidence level of 95%; a sample size of 384. Results: The study included 681 participants 24.4% of them aged 20-30 years. Diabetes was diagnosed in 31.4% of participants 5 years ago, 23.8% in 6-10 years and 12.6% in 11-15 years. Frozen shoulder illness has been detected in 19.8% of patients, 36.9% have difficulties moving their shoulders and 47.7% suffer shoulder pain. There was significant relation between having frozen shoulder and age (P < 0.05). Conclusion: A significant association between diagnosis with diabetes and frozen shoulder among the studied population. Co-morbidities, severity and the course of the condition's natural-history should all be taken into consideration when making management decisions, which should also be discussed with the patient.
Keywords: Frozen shoulder, diabetes, complications, shoulder, joints