Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is the inadequate closure of the ductus arteriosus within three days after birth. Patients with PDA may be treated pharmaceutically, surgically, or conservatively. With the introduction of PDA occlusion devices, the management of PDA with occluder devices has gained immense popularity. Complications of the procedure range from infection to life-threatening complications like device embolization. We report a case of a ten-year-old female posted for patent ductus arteriosus occluder device deployment, complicated by device embolization. Embolization of the device was identified intra-operatively with the help of 2D ECHO and subsequent attempted transcutaneous retrieval of the device resulted in the rupture of the iliac artery. This resulted in a drastic change in the hemodynamics of the patient. The patient was then administered general anaesthesia and an internal jugular venous access catheter and a radial arterial cannula were placed. This was followed by surgical retrieval of the device and evacuation of the clot with iliac artery repair.
Keywords: Patent ductus arteriosus, Congenital heart disease, Occluder device, Device embolization, Device migration, iliac artery repair