Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by SARS-CoV-2, has been
linked to a number of opportunistic bacterial and fungal infections.
Aspergillus and Candida have been identified as the primary fungal
pathogens for COVID-19 co-infection. Recently, several cases of
mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients have been reported worldwide,
particularly in India. Now, remember that mucormycosis can be of different
types like rhino-ocular-cerebral (ROCM), pulmonary, gastrointestinal, etc.,
here we are dealing with a case of rhino-ocular cerebral mucormycosis which
not only occurred once but twice post covid-19 infection. As we recover from
the epidemic and the pandemic, it is essential to look back and understand
what led to the insane surge of mucormycosis in post-covid-19 patients,
especially in our country, India. Mucor is ubiquitous and present constantly
around us, so no single factor but an array of elements is responsible
predominantly being the incorrect use of corticosteroids in uncontrolled
diabetics, which led to severe immunosuppression, injury to the beta cells of
the pancreas by the SARS-COV-2 in newly diagnosed diabetics. In such cases,
it is important to evaluate the patient thoroughly and orbital exenteration is
done depending upon the doctor’s judgment and MRI findings. Following is a
case report of one such patient with recurrent post COVID mucormycosis
predisposed by uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and managed by orbital
Keywords: Mucormycosis, recurrence, exenteration, amphotericin B, MRI,
Orbital extension