Background: The usage of CLs has grown significantly and it is only expected to grow. However, CLs’ wearers may have risk of eye
infections if they fail to wear, clean, disinfect and store their CLs as directed. To assess awareness of ocular complications associated
with the use of cosmetic contact lenses from unlicensed vendors and its correlation with age, gender and education level among
Taif city, Saudi Arabia. Methods: Cross sectional study conducted on the general population of Taif City, Saudi Arabia. An electronic
questionnaire was used for data collection. The study questionnaire was uploaded online using social media platforms by the
researcher and their relatives in the Taif region till no more new answers were obtained. Results: Twenty% of participants had
previously worn contact lenses and 29.5% were currently wearing them. In 31.7% and 19.4% of cases with refractive error, contact
lens use was cited as cosmetic. 13.4% of study participants reported contact lens difficulties and 55.1% of them quit wearing them as
a result. When asked if they were aware of any contact lens-related complications, 23.9% said that dry eye was a frequent problem.
18.0% of people complained of redness, 16.4% itching, 11.9% discomfort, 11.7% blurred vision, 12.2% eye burning, 9.9% eye stings,
11.6% corneal infection/inflammation and 8.7% of people complained of scratches on the surface of their eyes. Conclusion: Users of
CLs lacked sufficient training and experience. Although many of them purchased contact lenses without a prescription for cosmetic
reasons, their knowledge of and attitudes concerning contact lenses were acceptable.
Keywords: Awareness, ocular complications, cosmetic contact lenses,
unlicensed vendors, Taif city, Saudi Arabia