Background: Considering the fact that family members necessarily spend more time together during the pandemic, this study aims to assess autism spectrum disorder parental quality of life during covid 19. Method: Descriptive community base study was conducted at the city of Al-Taif using semi-structured questionnaire during Feb. 2022. A total of 76 parents living in Al-Taif participated in the study. Results: The study found that the most frequent effect of the emerging corona virus (Covid 19) on isolating the lives of children with autism was to some extent, the percentage 31, and the most frequent effect of the emerging corona virus (Covid 19) on health condition of children with autism was disagree, the percentage 32.8, the most frequency. Conclusion: The Corona epidemic has compounded the suffering of children with special needs, as the quarantine period and restrictions on their ability to go to school and move have been incomprehensible to them, and it has been difficult for them to comprehend the risks, and their health has deteriorated as a result of their failure to attend treatment and follow-up sessions in the Autism House and clinics for months. Children in this category are unable to articulate how they feel about the ongoing trends of people wearing masks and social isolation, which has been imposed in varied degrees for weeks, months, or even a short amount of time.
Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Parent, Quality of Life and Coved 19