Introduction: COVID pandemic has led to shut down of societies, cities and even biggest countries of the world. To combat this pandemic, different scientists of many countries have started developing vaccines and they have succeeded in developing vaccines against SARS-CoV2. There are many myths regarding covid vaccination among general population. Objectives: to find out acceptance of covid vaccination and myths associated with it in general population. Methodology: an online web based cross sectional survey was conducted by using Google forms among 216 adult participants. Statistical analysis was done by using EPI INFO7 statistical software. Results: 216 participants were included in the study. 4.63% population was not willing to take covid vaccination. 4% believe that there is no need to get vaccinated if they got the disease previously. For information about the virus or the disease most people either turned to health professionals or social media. Many myths were present in the population regarding side effects and effectiveness of vaccination. Conclusion: There is a need to increase awareness regarding covid vaccination among general population. Active efforts should be made at all levels to remove myths regarding vaccination.
Keywords: Myths, COVID-19, vaccination, survey, acceptance