Background: The volume and morphology of the superior temporal gyrus (STG) of the human brain can be affected by age. Its quantitative assessment might be aiding the clinicians. Objective: To estimate the STG volume in MRI using DICOM viewer in adults deprived of structural brain abnormality, to correlate the volume with age, and to determine its variations between/and within the sexes. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was performed in Al-Amal Hospital, Sudan (April 2021 and March 2022). STG volume was delineated along the entire STG borders. Using SPSS version 25.0 data were processed. Results: It included a MRI brain of 50 adult patients (equal genders); their mean age was 33.12± 8.29 years (range, 20 to 49 years). STG volume was adversely interrelated with age (r =−0.318 and P=0.024), significantly differed bilaterally within sexes (P =0.000), and was greater on the left in both genders. A significant gender difference was observed regarding STG volume, p = 0.000. Conclusion: DICOM can be used to assess the STG morphometrically to detect any pathological variations, based on volume changes.
Keywords: Superior Temporal Gyrus; Volumetric; Age; Gender; DICOM