The study of disease transmission of cerebral palsy (CP) expects to depict the recurrence of the condition in a populace and to screen its progressions over the long run. An 13-years-old male child presenting with recurrent Generalise Tonic Clonic Seizures (GTCS) lasting for about 30-60 minutes with normal spells ranging from few weeks to months and associated with up rolling of eyeball and developmental delay in all aspect since 2nd day of birth. Child was prescribed with Sodium Valproate and Levetiracetam and Midazolam spray SOS, along with the training of both parents regarding cerebral palsy on clinical, social, behavioural, and therapeutic aspects. The strict compliance of drug and physiotherapy regime was implied and improvement has been observed in the patient with decrease in frequency of seizures.
Keywords: Microcephaly, Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, Spastic, Mental
Retardation, Case report