Background: CKD is a public health issue that could burden the health care system of KSA. Patients’ awareness about their condition proves better adherence and reduction of complication. Aims: to evaluate the awareness of CKD patient about their condition. Methods: a cross- sectional study using a validated questionnaire conducted in king Fahad medical city in Riyadh. CKD diagnosed patient from 18 years old and above were selected. Result: a total of 114 CKD patient participated in the study. Mostly were males (62.3%), age groups of 51-70 (38.6%) and 31-50 (31.6%) years old, married (60.2%), high school educational background (27.2%), unemployed (43.9%), <5000 SAR income, >12-month CKD duration (73.7%), DM (53.5%) HTN (83.3%) and no CVD (60.5%). CKD patients’ awareness mean score is 28.94, awareness was highest on how to collect urine correctly (2.74) and lowest on what activities are organized regularly in clinics (0.29). Conclusion: poor awareness was observed among CKD patients regarding their medical condition, which warrants more efforts to enhance their knowledge.
Keywords: chronic kidney disease, awareness, cross-sectional study