Colloid Nodular Goitre is the most common form of goitre seen globally and it is also one of the most common endocrine problems, especially in nations where iodine shortage is widespread, like India. A 40-year-old female presented to ENT department of this hospital with large thyroid swelling on the left side and after investigations diagnosed with multinodular colloid goiter which was surgically treated by right hemithyroidectomy under general anesthesia. Post-surgery, neck pain, shoulder tightness, limitation of the cervical and shoulder movements and difficulty in ADLS were the main concerns of the patient. The patient was referred to the physiotherapy department with these problems. Physiotherapy rehabilitation resulted in reduction in neck discomfort, improvement in cervical and shoulder movements and muscle strength and overall quality of life as well as ease in performing ADLS. The current case demonstrated that physiotherapy rehabilitation post-surgery can improve patient outcomes and make him/ her independent in activities of daily living.
Keywords: Colloid Nodular Goitre, Right Hemithyroidectomy,
Hypothyroidism, Osteoporosis