Background: Infection of the knee joint after fractures associated with the joint is a serious problem. The patient presents in intense
pain and is likely to undergo sepsis. Sometimes if the preferable surgery could not be performed salvage procedures are to be
considered. These are done to preserve the functionality of the involved lower limb and to make the patient capable of doing his
daily activities without pain. Presentation of case: Presenting a case of a 27 year old male with 1 year old malunited fracture mid shaft
femur left side with non-union fracture mid shaft tibia left side with mal united fracture proximal tibia left side with intra operative
finding of infected pus in the knee joint. The patient was managed with arthrodesis of the knee joint and fracture reduction using a
customised 75cm long femur to tibia intra medullary nail. Knee arthrodesis using long intra medullary nail can be an alternative to
above knee amputation in complex knee infections. This can allow the patient to perform his daily activities without having pain.
Fractures involving femur and tibia of the same side with knee arthrodesis can be managed with customized long femur to tibia
nail effectively.
Keywords: Femur to tibia nail, customised nail knee arthrodesis, mal united
fracture femur