Assessment of serum lipid profile in patients with thyroid disorders in a rural backdrop of central India
Anubhuti Dixit, Mahalaqua Nazli Khatib, Shilpa Gaidhane, Abhay M Gaidhane, Quazi Syed Zahiruddin
Thyroid diseases are among the commonest endocrine disorders worldwide. Thyroid dysfunction can result in lipid abnormalities which increase the risk of endothelial dysfunction, hypertension and cardiovascular disease
Medical Science, 2020, 24(101), 1-11
Abstract | PDF
Assessment of mean platelet volume (MPV) in subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in a rural backdrop of central India
Priyal Shrivastava, Mahalaqua Nazli Khatib, Shilpa Gaidhane, Dipti Shrivastava, Abhay M Gaidhane, Quazi Syed Zahiruddin
Diabetes is a public health problem. Altered platelet morphology and function have been reported as a cause of microvascular and macrovascular complications in patients with diabetes mellitus.