Role of MRI in diagnosis of an unusual case of celiac disease presenting as hepatomegaly
Rajeshwari K, Mohammed Fazil A, Sapna Singh, Neeta Khurana, Anuradha S
Celiac disease is a gluten sensitive enteropathy usually presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms, but unusual presentations make the diagnosis of this disease sometimes challenging. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) is a rare condition associated with connective tissue disorders, autoimmune diseases, haematological malignancy, drugs and is a cause of non cirrhotic portal hypertension.
Medical Science, 2016, 20(80), 117-122
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One Stage Excision of Intraspinal Tumour with Immediate Reconstruction of Spine by Laminoplasty – A Case Report
Upadhyay PK, Pandey P, Bora S, Pandey S, Gupta U, Singh R
Laminoplasty is a technique that indirectly achieves decompression of spinal cord and avoids the complications of fusion (Oyama, 1973). It was initially proposed by the Japanese as a treatment of ossified posterior longitudinal ligament in the cervical region. Its use has been expanded since then and is widely used in the thoracic and lumbar region (Lonstein, 1976).